ICCTR Evangelization Programs

Evangelization Concept

There are certain fundamental values that everyone agrees on, regardless of their cultural background. Murder, rape, and theft are always wrong. Some people may try to justify these actions, but if they or their loved ones were to become victims of such crimes, they would all agree that these are wrong.

We introduce these fundamental values to our audience and then show them how we deduced the values from the Bible. We never had once a disagreement that the "Ten Ancient Principles" (the Ten Commandments) were not good or that the "Eight Character Traits" (deduced from various NT passages) would not make a strong, reliable leader.

Every seminar contains a block we call "How to Become a Follower of Christ". It contains God's whole Councel from Creation and the Fall of Man to Salvation in Christ. We explain how the decision for Jesus can be made and that it is necessary to be saved. After this block follows a long break of at least 30 minutes for the participants to discuss the content among each other and with us.
When we first introduced this block in Ukraine (due to the war by ZOOM), we saw a dip in participant numbers. Yet God says (Jeremiah 55:11) that His Word does not return empty. After the fifth or so implement we started noticing the opposite: participant numbers went UP for this block. It turned out that many people from earlier seminars wanted to hear it again. So they would ask their colleagues, who were going to attend a seminar, when this block would come up and then join the session.

Additional blocks in our seminars cover personal testimonies by the instructors, short devotionals and prayer, e.g. when our Ukrainian participants had to run for the air shelters.

Seminars close with a block on how Christian faith is applied in daily life. The instructors, mostly active and retired high-ranking police officers, tell their stories of how God protected and guided them through their career and we discuss issues of the participants where God's help is needed. This last part, especially connected with prayer for the issues, is always very popular even among non-believers.

Corruption, Trauma, and Practice

We offer three worldly topics to our participants.


Every government needs to address corruption. Its costs are enormous to the society, the nation and every single individual. Our corruption courses show the participants how their behavior does damage to themselves, their families, their nation and their society.

The only solution to break with corrupt behavior is a change of character. We show how it is impossible for us to do this by ourselves and how we need God's assistance.


Everybody suffers from trauma. We show our participants approaches to recognize traumas in themselves and in others. Light to medium cases can be treated with the evidence-based methods we teach them while they also learn when competent external aid is needed.

Through our extensive network we can offer Christian trauma experts to participants in nearly every country of the world. In all other cases we have online offers where participants can receive trauma relief directly from our instructors.


As most of our instructors are active in or retired from police and fire services we also offer training in practical skills like de-escalation and peaceful crowd management for police forces and specialized firefighting and accident handling skills for fire services.

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