Evangelization Campaigns


Our ministry successfully shared the Gospel with approximately 1,000 leaders of the Ukraine government and university faculties through our corruption and trauma programs. As a result, we established the 'Pan-COUNTRY Christian Service,' an organization of ministers, parliamentarians, and authorities dedicated to rebuilding Ukraine on biblical principles. Despite challenges, including attempts to forbid our work and opposition from some faculty members, we prevailed. The proposed law change was not only rejected, it garnered us respect and support from many Parlamentarians and lead to more than two dozens additional requests for seminars!

Our work in Ukraine needs your support in four areas:


Together with local partners we share the Gospel with government representatives and even have access to governments which currently persecute Christians, hoping and praying that God may turn many Sauls to Pauls, from persecutors to evangelists.

Our work in Africa needs your support in three areas:

Major Asian Powers

Additionally we are currently spreading the Gospel to governments on provincial an central levels in three major Asian powers. For safety reasons we cannot name them. Please contact us directly for more information if you would like to contribute to this work

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